Monday, February 23, 2015

Snow Day

Today we got a snow day! Not an "ice" day, but an actual snow day!

It was going really well until my eyes flew open at 8:00 am and I began thinking through everything I could get done with my new-found "free" hours. How many projects I could get done, blogs I could write, crafts I could make, Oscar wrap-ups I could watch...oh the options were overwhelming.

And then I sat down in my favorite chair to make a to-do list and I was mesmerized by snowflakes falling outside the window. It's near impossible to watch snow slowly drifting to the ground and not be at peace. There is something so cleansing about pure white snow covering the dead, brown grass below. It's like an eraser creating a blank slate, a fresh start.

There are seasons in life when God speaks the same thing over and over and over again. Most of the time it's because we're not listening. My theme lately has been about rest. It's been in the songs on the radio, in my discipleship lessons, in my Bible, spoken through friends and family members, and today it was if these tiny frantic footprints were shouting the same message at me all over again. Rest. Rest. Rest.

So, in spite of the anxiety rising in my chest, I decided to simply rest today and enjoy the beauty of God's creation. It hasn't been easy. My nature is to be in constant motion. My hands always need to be working, cleaning, cooking, picking up, ironing, etc. Our society has been so ingrained with the thought that if we aren't doing something, we are falling behind. And falling behind is bad. One of the books I am reading says it this way:

"We live in a society that values productivity. We often use the phrase 24/7 to describe a supposedly successful lifestyle that is full of pressure accomplishment, and perhaps, fun. There is usually little downtime. Every moment--even riding a bike on a Sunday afternoon--has to produce something. We do this to ourselves, and we expect everyone else to follow along. Soon people begin to burn out, and they are pushed aside as unproductive." 

And then the gut punch:

  "The hidden assumption in all this activity is that our time is ours to do with as we wish. The Bible challenges that assumption. When we honor God's ownership of our time, we will know better when to say yes and when to say no." 
(Spiritual Disciplines, Larry Sibley)

Ouch! I'm so guilty of that. Today I'm choosing to rest. I might even have another cup of coffee and snuggle back under my blanket for the rest of the afternoon. I hope you'll find moments this week to draw aside and take a moment to simply sit and be still. It doesn't make you lazy and even if you "fall behind" the rest of the world, I promise God will use it for your good and his purpose!

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